শ্রী শ্রী সারদা মায়ের ব্যবহারিক বেদান্ত: একটি দার্শনিক পর্যালোচনা - Atmadeep

An International Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bengali Research Journal
ISSN :: 2454–1508
DOI Prefix: 10.69655
Upcoming Issue: 31 March, 2025
Starting Year: 2024
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
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Volume-I, Issue-III, March 2025
Volume-I, Issue-III, January, 2025
শ্রী শ্রী সারদা মায়ের ব্যবহারিক বেদান্ত: একটি দার্শনিক পর্যালোচনা
ড. অমিত কুমার বটব্যাল, স্টেট এডেড কলেজ টিচার, দর্শন বিভাগ, পাঁচকুড়া বনমালী কলেজ, পূর্ব মেদিনীপুর, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত   
Received: 14.01.2025
Send for Revised: 17.01.2025
Revised Received: 18.01.2025
Page No: 859-865
Accepted: 25.01.2025
Published Online: 30.01.2025
DOI: 10.69655/atmadeep.vol.1.issue.03W.077
Practical Vedanta of Sri Sri Sarada Devi: A Philosophical Review
Dr. Amit Kumar Batabyal, State Aided College Teacher, Department of Philosophy, Panskura Banamali College (Autonomous), Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India
Sri Sarada Devi (1853-1920) is affectionately called “Holy Mother” by millions of people around the world. Sarada Devi was Ramakrishna’s wife, spiritual counterpart and spiritual giant in her own right. Holy Mother lived a simple, unassuming and extraordinarily modest life, yet her life and teachings rang with the truth of the highest spiritual realization. As Swami Vivekananda’s great disciple Sister Nivedita wrote: “In her one sees realized that wisdom and sweetness to which simplest of women may attain. And yet, to myself the stateliness of her courtesy and her great open mind are almost as wonderful as her sainthood. Her life is one long stillness of prayer.” The philosophy of Sri Sarada is the same as that of the Master, Sri Ramakrishna. This is the ancient philosophy of Vedāntic non-dualism. It is a way of life, an ideal belief in the light of which man can always correct his behaviour. It is a religion for the devotee, a philosophy for the intellectual, an ethical code for the atheist. Hence Sri Ramakrishna showed how this philosophy of non-dualism can be the guiding principle of every man’s life irrespective of his religion, creed, or country. The purpose of both philosophy and religion is the same, the only difference between them being in their methods of approach. The philosophy of Sri Sarada Devi is a combination of these two approaches and is drastically practical.
Keyword :
  • Vedānta
  • Religion
  • Practical
  • Philosophy
  • Non-dualism
  • Ethical
  • Devotee
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