দেবেশ রায়ের ‘মফস্বলি বৃত্তান্ত’ উপন্যাসের চ্যারকেটু চরিত্র: নিম্নবর্গীয় চরিত্রের আধারে একটি বিশ্লেষণাত্মক অধ্যয়ন - Atmadeep

An International Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bengali Research Journal
ISSN :: 2454–1508
DOI Prefix: 10.69655
Upcoming Issue: 31 January, 2025
Starting Year: 2024
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
বাংলা ভাষায় প্রকাশিত আন্তর্জাতিক দ্বিমাসিক গবেষণামূলক পত্রিকা
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Volume-I, Issue-I, September, 2024
Volume-I, Issue-I, September, 2024
দেবেশ রায়ের ‘মফস্বলি বৃত্তান্ত’ উপন্যাসের চ্যারকেটু চরিত্র: নিম্নবর্গীয় চরিত্রের আধারে একটি বিশ্লেষণাত্মক অধ্যয়ন
জানকী প্রসাদ দেবনাথ, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ, মার্ঘেরিটা কলেজ, মার্ঘেরিটা, আসাম, ভারত
Received: 08.09.2024
Accepted: 28.09.2024
Published Online: 30.09.2024
Page No: 68-75
DOI: 10.69655/atmadeep.vol.1.issue.01W.010
"Mofossoli Brithanto," a significant novel by Debesh Roy, explores the lives of people in North Bengal. Written in 1974, the novel highlights the tragic history of a Rajbanshi family from the remote village of Dwarikamari in the Jalpaiguri district. The narrative is filled with the clamor of the marginalized lower-class communities. It can be said that "Mofossoli Brithanto" recounts the sorrowful stories of those oppressed and crushed by the history of power. It also depicts the life of a family that has become destitute under the pressures of overlooked and unacknowledged capitalist class struggles in the mofussil (rural) areas.
In this backdrop, Debesh Roy brings to light the poignant history of the neglected and overlooked agricultural laborers. The protagonist, Khetkhetu, lives with his wife, Tultuli, his nephew, Chyaraketu, and their three children: two sons, Baishakhu and Bengu, and a daughter, Kheteshwari. Structured in eight chapters, each part of the novel is almost self-contained. The characters include Khetkhetu, Chyaraketu, Tultuli, Bengu, Baishakhu, and Kheteshwari, representing various aspects of the lower class.
In Bengali prose literature, there has been a movement to portray the joys, sorrows, protests, and resistances of the lowest strata of society—those who are marginal, neglected, and downtrodden. Debesh Roy further advanced this exploration, transcending the social, economic, historical, and geographical boundaries of Bengal to reach the remote regions of rural India. He aimed to give people their dignity and highlighted the voice from the margins or history from below in the narrative of the novel.
Now, we will try to understand how these characters fit the definitions provided by theorists of the lower class, exploring how and why they embody the characteristics of lower-class figures.
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Bi-monthly Bengali Research Journal
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